Sunday, May 4, 2008

All the way through "The Alchemist"

On a warm Saturday evening I was reading “motor cycle diaries “and dreaming about a trip in motorcycle on the areas untouched by human.
That is when my friend came in and said
“Have you read the book 'The alchemist'?”
I have not read many of the famous books. So I said “No”
“WHAT??.you have not read alchemist, you should probably jump from the balcony”.
Insulted by this comment, I got the book from the library and started reading it.

The Alchemist is a simple story of a shepherd who pursues his destiny (treasure) instead getting satisfied with superficial happiness the day today life provides. The story teaches about the wisdom of listening to one’s heart and following the dreams instead of putting self obstacles and consoling oneself.

Halfway through the book, I began to regret so many things in my life.

1. The good universities I could have studied, had I not thought I was incapable
2. The guys I could have proposed, had I not panicked and thought I was impractical.
3. The Jobs I could have done, had I not decided to go wherever life takes me

As I thought about it, I took a break from the book and began to reflect on it. Then I called my friend and told him about all my regrets. He kind of convinced me saying that
“We are no children of lesser god “and I still had all the time on earth to pursue my dreams.

I continued reading the book and was thrilled by the twist in the end. Anyways I was happy for the shepherd who found his treasure. As I flipped the last page of the book there was a hand written message .Apparently It has been a gift to someone .I don’t know how it landed in the library. The message said
You are the treasure I protect in my life” and a signature.

As I closed the book, the only regret I had was not being a treasure in someone’s life.